I'm thinking about using just a plain wood as a background, I like the handmade feeling from the wood :) but I can't really decide which one I should go for.
A) the bright + clear + colorful background.
B) asymmetrical + not too bright.
C) close up + bright + simple background.
A) Bright + clear + close up pictures:

B) Not too bright + asymmetrical + non-close up pictures:

C) Close up + bright + simple background:

Which one do you prefer? All your comments will be appreciated!!
I prefer C!!
From Udon
I like A :)
I like C the most!
I love these! Hard to choose a favorite, but for me A gives off a more personalized vibe whereas B & C is slightly more product-centered/commercialized. I'd go with either A or B! :)
ps. awesome blog and love your jewelry! *followed!
Hi Teresa,
Thanks for checking my blog and thanks for your comment about the photos as well. I like photo A too, but I had comments that they were too busy :(
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